German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck wholeheartedly endorsed Georgia’s European Union membership bid during a visit by Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili to Berlin, saying that Georgia was “very much welcome” in the bloc. The remark follows the Prime Minister’s relentless diplomatic campaign to work with partners and allies to foster a more united, secure Europe and highlights the gains made by Georgian diplomacy in its Euro-Atlantic integration efforts.

Speaking alongside the German Vice Chancellor, Prime Minister Garibashvili said that his government and the Georgian people are “doing their best” to become a full EU member. He added that “the current efforts of every Georgian are directed toward the day when Georgia will eventually secure its place on the map of Europe.”

The Prime Minister’s visit to Berlin was preceded by the Munich Security Conference, where Prime Minister Garibashvili held a bilateral meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The two reviewed the “close partnership and friendly relations” between Georgia and Germany. Prime Minister Garibashvili expressed his hope that Germany will continue to “support Georgia’s main foreign policy goals,” which include EU ascendancy and regional development. The Prime Minister thanked the German Chancellor for his strong support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and invited him to visit Georgia at a convenient time.

In Munich, Garibashvili also met with the Supreme Allied Commander Europe and U.S. European Commander General Christopher Cavoli, where the two discussed the long-term strategic cooperation between the U.S. and Georgia. They highlighted the great assistance the U.S. has provided over the years to strengthen Georgia’s democratic institutions, build its defense capabilities, and promote economic growth. The Prime Minister noted that “Georgia is and will remain the most reliable and loyal ally of the U.S. in the region and beyond,” and added that Georgia welcomes more active U.S. involvement and investment in promoting the security, economic development, and connectivity of the Black Sea region.

The Prime Minister further discussed the process of implementing the European Commission’s (EC) 12 recommendations and the recently published analytical report on Georgia—which highlighted Georgia’s leadership in meeting the EU’s technical requirements—during a meeting with EC President Ursala von der Leyen. Prime Minister Garibashvili expressed his hope to the EC President that “the European Commission will continue to support Georgia and that this year another historic decision will be taken to grant Georgia [its] well-deserved candidate status.”